
Hie everyone.. I am a new member of 6M official blog.. After today I will post something or share something on this blog.. So this is just something like introduction of myself.
I am TingEn from SMK BBSP.. Don't think this school sucks, actually its fun when you have friends, classmates, DELICIOUS food, and easy transportation.. And, what you need to know is, my school is near Carrefour and The Store and many many shops are outside my school.. And, another benifit when I study at this school, is Malay's Puasa. They will have a "Jalan Hawker outside school.. Because when they Buka Puasa, they wanna eat delicious food and so, they will buy from the hawkers.. But I think this school is more Chinese fellows than Malay students.. So, what can we do after the ring bells~ EAT! Buy food from the hawkers and eat~ YiiPiie!^^
After this, let me talk about my life.. I am now well and is been taller and taller~ But if you wanna know my height, HeHe.. Secret at all! Secret~Secret! HeHe.. But maybe you will shocked when you see me the next time after March..xD! Anothier thing is.. is.. is.. Ahh.. Nothing to write~ I am now confused lah.. Wonder what I am thinking at all.. HmmHuh~Aiyah then I will go.. Bye byeee~!^^

Ting En was herree! ^^